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Stop cock blocking your content and start confidently sharing your voice online, by creating your rhythmic content flow, so you can step into your own spotlight on your own stage, with content that’s more YOU, attracts your community and vibes on a deeper level.

Content That's You (2).png

This is for you if You desire...

A clear path and flexible ROADMAP that helps you to easily organize your ideas and thoughts so you can implement with less chaos.

The ability to be SELF EXPRESSIVE so your people can find you

and resonate with what you're sharing.

To be fully seen and accepted as your quirky, unique, and amazing self, in a way that fuels the connection you're craving. Aka LETTING YOUR FREAK FLAG FLY.

The tools to be able to move through and shift negative SHIT talk, thoughts,

and perspectives, that are cock blocking you and holding you back. 

The EMBODIED and confident feeling of using various platforms to share content. Think SLAYING your content on Instagram, Email, and your Website, while saying GOODBYE to the frustration of not knowing how to use specific technology. 

The empowerment to shine your Badassery online through group learning

because you VALUE how powerful and impactful it can feel when you

know you're not alone. 

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Inside this program...

We move through somatic exercises, learning about SELF, and getting to the root of mindset that propels us forward in creating content, using various methodologies including my Digestible Content Method and Playful Explorative Approach, so you can let your freak flag fly by being 100% yourself and finally feeling seen and accepted in the online space. 

Let me guess! 

this is where you are right now👇🏻

You STRUGGLE to be yourself.

You have all the ideas but you're COCK BLOCKING

yourself from actually creating.

You're SCARED of feeling judged.

You WANT the conversations to be flooding your DM's

but you're not sharing relatable content to make those connections.

You KNOW you want more of YOU throughout your emails and your website but you are conforming to what every guru has said and haven't moved past that draft sitting on your platform. 

You LET your perfectionism get in the way.

You WANT to feel confident using technology platforms (IG, Email Marketing, Website) but feel overwhelmed with how much there is to learn and do.

You know you NEED to get visible with your online presence to find your soul matching community ready to work with you. 

You MEASURE your worth and success by how much you get done or how well a piece of content does, throwing yourself down the shitter when the numbers don't come through.



That wants to share their story and message, but feels stuck, and doesn’t know where to start. 


It’s for the Badass that battles with actually creating content, like writing copy and creating media, yet they have so much to say. 


This program is for the Badass that wants to break free from the rules and rigidity of creating all forms of content, and INSTEAD, wants to trust their voice to make the impact they crave. 


It’s for the Badass that's tired of standing by the sidelines, watching others shine online, and is ready to step into their own spotlight.

This program is for the Badass that's ready to DOMINATE the online space by developing their online presence via Instagram, Email Marketing, and their Website. 


Within 6 months of working together, we’ll design your flexible content roadmap that matches your energy and flow, we’ll collaborate on content for the online space that’s expressive and relatable, and we’ll crack open your blockages so that using your voice becomes second nature.


The Format

-> Pre-recorded videos dropped weekly (1-2 within the month module)

-> Weekly 'Baby Step' content challenges to get you sharing on socials

-> Monthly LIVE Hot Seat Mentorship via Zoom (think of it like a Q&A)

-> Group Whatsapp to send quick voice notes and messages for additional Q&A support

-> Mighty Networks private group to share your content drafts and get direct feedback from me

Badass Cohort 1 running May 20th, 2024 - November 22nd, 2024

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