Bread and Butter Summer™️
Striving to Thriving 6 Month Signature Strategy Program
Are you tired of summer programs that leave your pockets feeling empty and your dreams unfulfilled?
Have you been plagued by low enrollment and the constant frustration of canceled programs?

I've got the recipe, aka the Signature Strategy, to transform your summer from
"Struggling to Survive"
to "Thriving in Success!"

Imagine a summer where every program you offer is not just a success, but a grand slam!
My 6-month Bread and Butter Summer program is tailor-made for you, the passionate educators and program providers. Whether you're running camps, classes, workshops, or dreaming of starting one from scratch, I've got you covered!

We're going to elevate your summer game and help you create a revenue that can contribute to a prosperous school year.
P.S This signature strategy can 100% be used over and over any time you run a day camp, a pop up event, a full week workshop etc.
Here's what to expect:
Assess and Revamp
We begin by diving into your past experiences and challenges.
It's time to turn those setbacks into stepping stones to success. I'll guide you in identifying what worked and what didn't, and we'll create a rock-solid plan for a better summer ahead.
Banish the Pinching Penny Mentality
Say goodbye to scrimping and saving. My program will equip you with the strategies you need to maximize revenue without compromising quality.
Your summer will no longer be a financial struggle.
Unearth Hidden Potential
For those who are just starting, we'll build a summer program from scratch together.
From concept to execution, I'll provide you with the blueprint for success. No more wondering where to start!
Fill Your Programs With Enthusiastic Participants
Say farewell to low enrollment blues.
I'll show you how to attract eager participants, ensuring your programs are full and buzzing with excitement.
My program isn't just about the summer.
I'll teach you how to leverage your summer success into a year-round venture, securing your financial future.
The Commitment
This is not a done for you model... Be ready to put in the work
Two Monthly
Live Teaching
Google Meet Calls
Monthly Live
Q&A Call
Replay Access
To All Calls
Ongoing Support & Feedback in
Mighty Networks
Enroll with a payment option that works for you!
Due to the nature and delivery of this program, there are no refunds permitted.
By enrolling and submitting payment in either option, you are acknowledging the above, your commitment to make payment as agreed, and the educational materials, resources, replays, etc. are designed, owned, and created by Santina Rigano-Lesch, and agree to not share with others.
The Modules
Module 1 – Setting the Foundations
This month is all about getting started with the right foundations. We’ll get familiar with business owners that’ve joined the program, understand ‘THE WHY’ behind summer programming, conduct a rigorous assessment of past programs, tap into what our dream program looks like, learn about different structures within summer programs, set realistic goals for our program and start developing our loose schedule.
Module 2 – Summer Branding AND Sparking Interest In Your Program
This month is all about transitioning your Summer Program to its OWN stand-alone program through brand identification. We’ll explore and establish how to make this cohesive with your current business (running successful school-year programs), brainstorm themes, learn how to create fun stand out names/titles, and dive into building out all things WAITLIST. From the landing page to the confirmation email automation, how to approach current families (via email) to the social media plan to have folks LEAPING onto your waitlist.
Module 3 – The Back-End Logistics
This month is all about getting the back-end set up and ready to roll. We’ll learn how to write ‘boring-less’ descriptions that actually have parents excited to read them to their kiddos and hyped up to sign up. Plus we’ll get the rest of those pesky back-end logistics going, like working with our pricing, registration software, summer program website pages, email marketing for our waitlist, and learning the EASY PARENT PROCESS FLOW.
Module 4 – Waitlist Marketing AND Innovative Curriculum Development
Much like the title for this month suggests, we’ll be working on creating everything we need to market DURING the waitlist phase, actually implementing our marketing, and crafting a summer program curriculum that is innovative and incorporates your businesses culture and vibe.
Module 5 – Marketing AND All Things Staff
This month is where we really start to dive into developing our overall marketing plan, including digital and local options. We’ll be creating the assets we need for both approaches to help bring awareness and visibility to our Summer Program. And of course, we’ll cover how to find the right staff, the paperwork you’ll need in place, and how to assign the camps, classes, workshops, pop-up events, in your program to the right staff within your circle.
Module 6 – Business Guidelines For Staff AND Marketing To Boost Enrollment
This month we’re setting out to create (or tweak) the guideline books needed to support your staff in their role within your summer programs. We’ll also lean into email marketing to boost enrollment while creating some fun social media campaigns (organic) to continue bringing awareness to your program.
Module 7 – The Wrap Up
This month is all about getting everything wrapped up and completely ready for the start of your summer program. From program enrollment assessments to email communication for enrolled participants, stock inventory of materials & resources to allocating what each camp, class, workshop, pop-up event needs. This is when we put those finishing touches on everything.
Module 8 – Support, Support, Support
This month is about me being there for you! As you kickstart your summer program and start running with the wind, I’m here to help answer any questions and support you with what you need. There are no learning calls this month. Instead the calls are there for you to have access to me FULLY to implement the Bread and Butter Summer: Striving to Thriving Signature Strategy Program.
To keep this program tailored to each individual, there will only be 20 spots available.
Bring along an extra person that will help you implement the strategy at no extra cost. Think of it like a 2 for 1 deal... maybe you have a program director or educator that could join!
This was originally an 8 month program that I've condensed into 6 months (hence 8 modules above). Modules 1, 2 & 3 will be covered in the first two months of the program. Get ready to really dive in and do some heavy lifting (aka work) through weekly calls for the first two months. In month 3, we go back to two calls a month.
Calls will be held on Wednesdays, at 9am PDT.
Enrollment is open between November 1st, 2024 - January 12th, 2025.
Program will run January 8th, 2025 - June 30th, 2025
In the weeks leading up to getting started, I will be sharing pre-work in Mighty Networks (where our community will be held along with all teaching etc.) in preparation for our first calls.
Please only enroll if you are serious about committing to (and doing the work) for your Summer program. This is not a done-for-you program.